
Treats for Christmas - Caramels and Shortbreads - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

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Mums Shortbread...

250 grams of organic unsalted softened butter
100 grams of fine raw sugar (or caster sugar)
250 grams of organic unbleached flour- sieved
Slivered almonds to decorate
Cookie press and biscuit tray
Salt to taste

Pre heat oven to 180 C


Beat sugar and butter till white and fluffy, and you can't feel the sugar grains, add a little salt to taste.

Fold in the flour gently. Add the flour until the dough becomes firm, but soft. Feel the dough. But it should not feel that oily ether. You may need to add more flour depending on the texture you want. Do not knead the dough, or you will get hard shortbread.

Roll the dough gently into a tube diameter of 20 mm in baking paper. Chill for 20 minutes. Slice 5 mm wide, and press with the cookie stamp or fork, and arrange on the baking tray. Press in the almonds.

Cook 15-20 minutes.

The shortbread should not be brown, but you may find the base of the shortbread slightly tanned, and light buttery colour on top. Yum!

Decadent Caramels

300 gram tin Condensed milk
250 grams dark brown sugar
50 grams Butter
50 grams Golden Syrup
Vanilla essence

Combine all ingredients into a microwave proof bowl that has a spout for pouring. Stir well. Cook in the microwave till the mix is bubbling like hot lava.

Every 2 minutes stop the microwave and stir the mix.

The mix should go a very dark brown, and you can test this by placing the hot caramel lava on a plate and cooling in the freezer.

When it's tacky and chewy, it's ready.

Do not be tempted to stir the finished caramel. The more you stir it, the more the sugar will settle out and you get brown betty. You want chewy caramels!

Pour the caramel mix into little festive sweet cases (often used for chocolates) and chill.

This mix makes at least 40 small caramels.